La Fiesta – Guest Contributor
Jan 14 2017
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Duchesses at Tootsies La Fiesta Duchesses at Tootsies

     Tootsies in Preston Center hosted La Fiesta’s Duchess Dip on December 20th as the season’s forty Duchesses learned and practiced their presentation bow, the “dip,” for their mothers and guests. 

     The girls, just returning from their first semesters in college, buzzed in to Tootsies with lots of energy and holiday cheer.  Stylish and excited mothers sipped mimosas and were seated for the dip presentation.  La Madeleine provided lunch and local fashion icon Rhonda Sargent Chambers shared upcoming fashion trends, hot spring colors and the “must haves” for wardrobe building.  The program concluded with Nerissa Von Helpenstill and Dustin Holcolmb of Tootsie’s orchestrating a fashion preview featuring former Duchesses and their mothers as models.  Guests stayed to shop and spend their Tootsies gift cards and departed with a cupcake provided by Gigi’s.  The Duchess Dip event was Chaired by Anne Palles and underwritten by Kimberly and Jay Brigham.

     La Fiesta Chairs Rebecca Gregory and Nancy Monning provided the Duchesses with La Fiesta dressing shirts for their bowing lesson, and future hair and make-up styling.  The Duchesses and Escorts will be formally presented at “La Fête Royale” on June 10, 2017 at a Gala benefiting fifteen Park Cities charitable beneficiaries at the beautiful downtown Fairmont Hotel.  Further information about La Fiesta de las Seis Banderas is available at  Event sponsorships are offered as available.

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