
On Wednesday, May 4th, the University Park Preschool Association presented Dr. Carter, principal of University Park Elementary School, with a check for $70,000 – proceeds from the 11th Annual Spring Market Charity event held April 6, 2011.

“This year’s Spring Market broke all records,” says Jodie Perdue, co-chair of the Spring Market event. She adds, “with the help of this community, we raised $16,000 more than we did in 2010”. 

Diane Swartzendruber, who also co-chaired the event adds, “Our success was based on the energy and enthusiasm of our members. We are very lucky to have such talented and hard working volunteers.”

The 11th Annual Spring Market, Host Sponsored by Wells Fargo, brings together over 90 specialty gift vendors on the grounds of University Park Elementary for a one-day sale every year.

Funds raised by Spring Market are donated to UP Elementary in an effort to defray the effects of Robin Hood.

“This money will go into our PTA General Funds which provides resources for our classrooms and classroom learning environments, says Dr. Carter, Principal of UP Elementary.  Carter continues, “It will place resources in the hands our teachers such as technology and will help our children learn beyond the class room walls.  These funds help keep UP Elementary a vibrant learning community and allow us to provide a top flight education program for our students.”  

Photo from left to right
Alexis Wagoner, UPPA President, Paul Littlejohn of Wells Fargo, Dr. Lynda Carter, Principal, University Park Elementary School, Tammy Vargas of Wells Fargo, Jennifer Sauls of Wells Fargo, Jodi Perdue, Spring Market Chair and Diane Swartzendruber, Spring Market Chair
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