The Best General in the Civil War by Conrad Bibens Fictionalized yet riveting story of the life of General George Thomas and his service to the Union...
To Do Justice Chicago Trilogy, #3 by Frank S. Joseph Chicago, during the summer of 1965, was feeling the heat of change. To Do Justice is the...
Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) held its 39 th Annual Luncheon on November 1 st at the Omni Dallas. The luncheon raised nearly $750,000 to continue its...
Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) held its 39 th Annual Luncheon on November 1 st at the Omni Dallas. The luncheon raised nearly $750,000 to continue its...
Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) held its 39 th Annual Luncheon on November 1 st at the Omni Dallas. The luncheon raised nearly $750,000 to continue its...
Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) held its 39 th Annual Luncheon on November 1 st at the Omni Dallas. The luncheon raised nearly $750,000 to continue its...
Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) held its 39 th Annual Luncheon on November 1 st at the Omni Dallas. The luncheon raised nearly $750,000 to continue its...
Ryan Hudson, an Arlington resident and dedicated firefighter/paramedic, has been named the recipient of the prestigious Methodist Mansfield Medical Center...
Rusty Taco is hosting the ultimate party. For two nights, DFW locals are invited to exclusive late-night events at the Rusty Taco’s Greenville location. To...
Ink and Intrigue at the Ivy Tree Inn Ariadne Winter Mystery , #1 by Ellen Butler A fabulous start to an exciting new, historical cozy mystery...