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The Covenant School’s Vox Humana Drama students concluded several weeks of dedicated rehearsals with their presentation of Sense & Sensibility at the TAPPS Division III State competition in San Antonio this past Friday. After winning at the District level, the cast and crew then took 2nd place at state, the highest they’ve placed so far! Drama Department Head, Steve Miller said, “Watching these students work so hard on this play was an encouragement, especially considering everything else going on in their busy lives. I’d say their sacrifice paid off, and not just in terms of ranking. One of the highlights of the competition for me was watching our cast spontaneously embrace and congratulate the first place winners on stage after the awards were given. That was a class act. That tells me they’re learning more than just how to act. They’re learning grace and character. To me, that makes it all worthwhile.”

Cast and crew were: Grace Shaw, Gracen Barth, Annie Houk, Mary Catherine Long, Mackenzie Wilkinson, Alex Meyer, Katherine Weber, Austin Benson, Jillian Fantin, Sally Shaw, Destiny Worke, Luke Mackinnon, Scout Hodges, Dan Dowe, Will Giese, and William Newcomer. Individual awards include Grace Shaw (all-star crew), Destiny Worke, Luke Mackinnon, and Sally Shaw (all-star cast), and Austin Benson (honorable mention all-star cast). 


The Covenant School is a K-12, classical, Christian school that exists to equip students with the tools necessary to pursue a lifetime of learning so that they may discern, reason and defend truth in service to our Lord, Jesus Christ. To find out more visit

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