Lauren Helton – Guest Contributor
Feb 26 2014
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On Valentine’s Day, Covenant Logic School students and faculty (grades 5-8) went to locations all over Dallas to spread love and joy to others. Students made a big impression throughout the area doing various activities such as playing Valentine’s Bingo with Pre-K kids at Spring Creek Elementary, singing and making valentines with local police officers at a retirement home and delivering warming baskets to cancer patients at Medical City. Afterwards, students performed random acts of kindness such as bringing flowers to Starbucks employees, singing songs and passing out valentine cards.  Eighth grader, Sally Shaw, said, “This day opened my eyes to see other people’s everyday life and the fact that we can add some excitement and joy in the simplest of ways.” 

People responded to the various acts of kindness with tears and grateful words.  Not only did students bring joy to people’s day but the people they encountered really brought joy to the students.  One student made the comment, “I want to do this sort of thing more often.”

Service is at the very heart of Covenant as an educational community whose mission is “to glorify God by equipping students with the tools necessary to pursue a lifetime of learning so that they may discern, reason, and defend truth in service to our Lord, Jesus Christ.”  The hope of this new tradition of “Love Thy Neighbor Day” is that students will continue to couple a life-time love of learning with a life-long desire to love and serve.


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