St. Alcuin Upper Elementary students in Ms. Monica Monk’s classroom are partnering with a local children’s emergency resource center to provide a community service to kids in need.  The students have launched a unique KITS FOR KIDS program to collect travel-size toiletry products like shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, that will be assembled into hygiene kits. The kits will be donated to kids in the care of Child Protective Services. The collection drive runs now through Oct. 14. 
The class, with the assistance of St. Alcuin Parent Scott Murphy, is working with Community Partners of Dallas and its Rainbow Room. The Rainbow Room is an emergency resource center providing critically-needed items for children in the care of Child Protective Services.  After the donations have been collected, sorted and assembled into kits, the St. Alcuin students will deliver them to the Community Partners of Dallas.

St. Alcuin inspires its students to reach their highest levels of personal and academic achievement, guides them to become compassionate global citizens, and prepares them to embrace challenges with confidence and innovation by providing the ideal Montessori and International Baccalaureate education.

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