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Providence Spelling Bee Winners

With their peers and parents gathered in the Providence gym on January 9, ten section spelling bee winners from Classes Five to Eight competed for the Providence spelling crown.  By round three, just six competitors remained.  The tension increased in rounds twelve through seventeen with four competitors managing challenging words such as baccalaureate, herbaceous, and grandiloquence.  Round nineteen narrowed the field to two competitors, Joshua Limsenben, Class Seven, and Adelaide Brooks, Class Eight.  Amazingly these two top spellers continued another thirteen rounds until Joshua Limsenben won by correctly spelling bradycardia in round thirty-two! This is Joshua’s second year to capture the championship title at Providence.  He will represent Providence at the next level of competition.

Since 1989, Providence Christian School of Texas has provided academically able students from preschool to 8th grade with a challenging educational experience designed to help them know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent, and to prepare them to live purposefully and intelligently in the service of God and man.  Providence’s core values are faith, family, intellect, counterculturalism, and stewardship. More information about the School can be found by calling 214-302-2800 or by visiting

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