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IMG_3352.JPG/ Hoops for Hope Hoops for Hope club at the summer skills camp they hosted at Voice of Hope

When the Hoops for Hope club at HPHS held their annual basketball camp at Voice of Hope this summer, they realized they had a lot to offer this West Dallas community. Club President Jake Stegenga pledged to continue to contribute supplies to their back-to-school efforts after speaking with the children and listening to how hard their parents were working to end the cycle of poverty that has plagued their community for generations. 

To support the children with the tools they need to succeed in school, the club is collecting supplies through Friday, Sept. 6 at the archeds at Highland Park High School or 3625 Caruth.

The items most needed are backpacks (boy or girl), #2 pencils, crayons, notebook paper, black and white composition books and gift cards to Office Depot, Walmart or Target.