Lauren Helton – Guest Contributor
Oct 8 2013
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Last week, The Covenant School held a dedication ceremony to honor and name the football field after a former parent, generous benefactor, Covenant visionary, and devout Covenant football fan, J. Frank Miller, III. Prior to his passing in 2007, Frank was a champion of Covenant in many ways and a driving force behind the construction of the football program and field.  Mr. Miller was actually one of the very first Covenant football coaches and helped to cast a vision for athletics at Covenant.  Professionally, Frank was the founder and CEO of JPI (Jefferson Partners, Inc.), one of the largest luxury apartment developers.

A man of faith and character, Frank was often seen on the field volunteering to call games, running chains, or simply serving as an encouragement to the players. He is a man that has been dearly missed but whose legacy endures.  Frank’s wife Kay served in many roles at Covenant including but not limited to PTF president, Athletic Committee member, auction founder and most importantly, beloved mother and carpool driver. In addition, three of their six children, Liza (’08), Trevor (’10), and Patrick (’11), graduated from Covenant and their eldest daughter Julia Klie was a teacher for several years.  

Covenant Board member, Gregg Hodges, spoke about the strong heritage that Frank left behind, his love for Christ, his family and Covenant and his desire to use athletics as a platform to teach life lessons. The Covenant football field, now Miller Field, will serve as a reminder of this remarkable legacy.

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