
Every morning I wake up and vow to accomplish a few things that have been sitting on my to do list… some of the ‘dos’ have been sitting there for months, but then the internet punches me in the face and I find myself lost in a sea of www-dot. Here’s a list of some of the neatest/coolest/funniest links that have helped me murder productivity this week.

Something inspirational

• As we in the first world continue to gossip about a twerking Miley Cyrus, there are students and people out there living on top of a trash heap that have found a better way to spend their time.  This is really neat, especially to those of us that can’t play a single instrument, even if it wasn’t made out of old tin cans. Heck, I have problems playing my iPod.

• A man with an affordable camera and teeny tiny model cars (so detailed that the glove box opens up) takes picture with unique twist. 

• M.I.T. and the Boston Ballet make this together.


• Really, kids are super creepy and there’s no better time than the pre-Halloween/All-Souls Day festivities to prove it. 

• If, by some chance, you can convince a child to not be a princess or superhero for Halloween, here is an awesome tutorial. Hey, maybe if your child really loved that Turbo movie you could modify this DIY costume to match one of the characters.

Bad for Rats

I knew they were bad for humans, but I had no idea it was also bad for rats.

• This is probably bad for all living creatures, but its really happening and if you don’t know about it yet, then you are probably doing something more productive with your time than cruising the internet. It’s a Bacon and Beer Milkshake.

Best of BubbleLife

The coolest thing our editors published this week.

• Find something to do this Fall. Fall Festivities You Don't Want to Miss in Dallas-Fort Worth.

• BubbleLife offers readers and businesses a chance to get their neighborhood news articles published through BubbleLife Connect and iReporter. My favorite reader-submitted story this week is in Frisco. Acker Elementary Celebrates 50th Anniversary. I would love to revisit my elementary school and meet Mrs. Blair. 


• I don’t want to start any wars, but Matt Walsh’s Blog is getting a bunch of hits (millions) for being controversial and “challenging popular perspectives.” One of his articles this week is about how kids nowadays do NOT “have it easy.”

Donate – Keep the Giving Going

• This weekend. I’m running (but really walking with some speed) a 5K called the Honored Hero Run in Fort Worth. The race is benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. I personally have never known a child with such a serious disease that is so life threatening, so during this run I’ll be giving thanks to my healthy babies and those supermoms that do what I do and then more. Donate here directly or go run.

Small Business Design Tip from the Office Graphic Designer

• When designing paragraphs of type (or even a long sentence) on your website, keep the type left justified. It’s easier for the eye to follow where the next line starts. Oh, and don’t ever use Comic Sans.