By BubbleLife's Stephen Lu

Some children just entering school for the first time in their lives have a difficult time adjusting. It's their first time away from their parents for extended periods and it's their first - however slight - taste of the real world. It's little wonder that some children develop anxiety issues. And parents, even with all their love and care, don't always know what do to help their children with their anxiety.

The da Vinci School is here to step in to lend a helping hand. The Da Vinci School is hosting a three-week series (October 13, 20, 27) that will teach parents ways to help their children with anxiety issues. Each session is 75 minutes long and will be taught by Dr. Kathy Tipps Ph.D, a clinical psychologist. The classes will teach parents to identify anxiety, utilize parents styles to decrease the likelihood of anxiety and help both parents and children relax and recharge.

The da Vinci School is a non-profit organization that serves familes with chidren from 18 months old through kindergarden and the primer level. Their mission is to establish basic skills through teaching methods that will allow children to find joy in learning while fostering self-confidence and self-esteem.

Classes do start on Thursday so there is very little time to sign up. To learn more or to register for the class, please visit the da Vinci School website.