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Armour Up & Kershaw’s Challenge, two Christ-centered organizations, hosted a Ministry event at Scotland Yard on the evening of November 10.  Highland Park High School graduate and current LA Dodgers pitcher, Clayton Kershaw, challenged the boys of Armour Up (an all boys Bible study grades 4-7 that has grown to almost 400 boys in the past 4 years) to use their God given talents to make a difference in their world. This was a father/son event centered around baseball that occured at the field where it all began for Kershaw.  Each child was asked to fill out a pledge card stating their gift, passion or talent and how they can use that to help others.  We would love to inspire everyone to take Kershaw’s Challenge by showing that no matter how young you are, you can still make a difference.  Those interested can do so by going to

The Armour Up boys had a blast getting to play in one of 6 innings of baseball with Clayton Kershaw ‘pitching’ from a machine & being on the mound the entire game.  There were 12 teams of 9-10 kids each – either white team or blue team.  Fathers enjoyed cheering their sons on from the stands or being team coaches.  Each boy took one turn “at bat” with 5 pitches only and runs were counted on the scoreboard.  A great time was had by all!

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others…” I Peter 4:10