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Every person, no matter his or her ability, can give back and the teammates at Connecting Point of Park Cities are doing just that. With weekly shopping outings, trips to the Dallas Art Museum, and a morning spent volunteering at the North Dallas Food Bank, Connecting Point of Park Cities is providing unique opportunities for adults with disabilities to engage with the community around them.

On April 6th, Connecting Point’s Ability to Give Luncheon will bring together the families and supporters that make possible this dynamic day program for adults with special needs who have aged out of the public school programs. Michael Young and his wife, Cristina Barbosa, will be speaking at the luncheon. Michael Young’s MLB professional baseball career spans 14 seasons, including 13 with the Texas Rangers. Michael and Cristina created the Michael Young Family foundation which is dedicated to improving the physical, social, mental, and educational health of children, both domestic and international.

Beginning with a silent auction at 11:00 a.m., the Ability to Give Luncheon will be held at the Dallas Country Club. Some of the auction items include trips to Island of Brac, Croatia; Marbella, Spain; Naples with the Sistine Chapel, and a tour through Texas Wine Country.

For more about Connecting Point and the Ability to Give Luncheon, visit