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Youth Art Month is an annual observance in March to emphasize the value of art education for all children & to encourage support for quality school art programs. Each January, schools from across the state of Texas select outstanding student artworks to be judged for top honors in the annual Youth Art Month competition. Artwork created by 2nd grader Walker Sutton was chosen to represent University Park Elementary and to compete at the state level against hundreds of other students from across Texas. And, for the 5th year in a row, UP Elementary has a State Winner!

Congratulations to second grader, Walker Sutton for being selected as a Youth Art Month STATE WINNER! Walker’s artwork is 1 of only 100 total pieces to be selected for this special honor! His painting titled “Fresh Start” will be displayed in a special exhibit at the State Capitol Building in Austin, Texas from February 29 – March 5 and then at the Bob Bullock State History Museum from March 7 – April 4. Walker will also be honored at a special awards ceremony at the Bullock Museum in April. Way to Go, Walker!