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As of Wednesday, there have been nine West Nile-related deaths and 162 reported human cases in Dallas County — three of which have been University Park residents who were hospitalized after becoming ill because of the virus.

Dallas County Health and Human Services announced on Aug. 3 that West Nile Fever resulted in the hospitalization of two female University Park residents, who are 76 years old and 86 years old, respectively.

Also, on Aug. 8, it was reported that a 64-year-old female University Park resident had been hospitalized because of West Nile Virus, according to Dallas County Health and Human Services.

In an effort to help fight the spread of West Nile, the City of University Park is giving out free Mosquito Dunks to residents, starting on Friday.

"Mosquito Dunks look like a small, beige donut," according to the City of University Park. "They float in standing water. As the dunk slowly dissolves it releases a bacterium which is toxic to all species of mosquito larvae. Dunks can be used in fish ponds, birdbaths, flower pots, rain barrels or any place where water collects and remains for a period of time. The dunks kill mosquito larvae before they grow to become biting and disease-spreading adults. The product is harmless to other living things. Each dunk is effective for a 30-day period."

University Park is handing out one pack of Mosquito Dunks, which come in sets of two and are harmless to living things except mosquito larvae, to each resident from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays at UP City Hall until the supply runs out. Anyone who is interested must bring a driver's license or another proof of residency to receive a pack of Mosquito Dunks.

In addition to the Mosquito Dunks, University Park is now fogging all HPISD campuses, which includes hand-fogging around entrances of each school.

"We are now covering the entire community on a weekly basis," said Steve Mace, the community information officer for University Park.