
Submitted to BubbleLife By Janelle Kraemer

From: Janelle Kraemer
Subject: Re: Sam Dalton vs Amy Titus -- Response to your question
To: Sam Dalton

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 11:04 AM

Hi Sam,

Thank you for the reply.  I am planning to post to ABPA.

I think on paper you are clearly very qualified for the position; however, several people have pointed out that the public does not know your position on key issues.

People would feel better about voting for you, if they knew where you stood on issues rather than defaulting to budget.

Race to Nowhere is big topic of conversation among parents.  ESD, DaVinci and HPISD have all sponsored viewings.  The President of Emory did a Q &A in Atlanta after several large private school viewings.  (No big deal that you haven't seen it, but do you know anything about it, do you plan on viewing it?)

Would you like to go into more detail before I forward to the group?


Email 3
From: Sam Dalton
Subject: Re: my 2nd e-mail from earlier today asking you to elaborate
To: Janelle Kraemer

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 8:52 PM

Thanks Janelle.  Looks like I need to get up to speed on Race to Nowhere.  A good friend of mine who is passionate about education issues, Scott Rohrman, has seen it.  I will talk with him about it if I don't have the opportunity to see it myself.  As far as issues, based on my discussions with hundreds of HPISD voters, the budget is the key issue in this election.  SPD

Email 4
From: Janelle Kraemer
Subject: Re: my 2nd e-mail from earlier today asking you to elaborate
To: Sam Dalton

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 9:05 PM

I hear you, but you have to have an opinion on these other topics. 

As an elected official you will have an influence on some of these issues. 

For example:  if I get a petition signed by 400 households who want foreign language back in the elementary schools instead of double library time.  Are you going to vote it down? Or think outside of the box, propose eliminating something else and convince the board to keep it.

Hands down you have the resume for the position, but you're dancing around the issues.  Tell the people what you really think as if there isn't a budget. 


Email 6
4/26/2011 6:19:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Janelle writes:

I thought it was strange you did not reply to this one.  (resends the above)

Email 7
From: Sam Dalton
Subject: Re: i've had 3 e-mails from last week returned to me over the weekend
To: Janelle Kraemer

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 7:04 AM

Sorry, but I didn't get your message.  The reality is there is a budget, and the budget drives decision-making.  The school board consists of seven individuals who are supported by a very capable staff that provides information to the board.  All I can tell you is that I will listen to the issues as they arise and vote the way I feel is best for the district as a whole.  That is the way I've always conducted my life.  SPD

P.S.  In your example, if you get a petition signed by 400 households, my bet is that there are an equal number of households on the other side of the issue, or that want the money spent in another manner.

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