The Episcopal School of Dallas
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The ESD World Affairs Club is an umbrella organization for students interested in global news, events, and issues. Affiliated with the DFW World Affairs Council, WAC supports student participation in Model UN competitions, in the World Affairs Council’s annual WorldQuest competition, and in spirited weekly debates and discussions of current events on a global scale.

For its philanthropic/service commitment, the club supports a number of entrepreneurial clients around the world via the Kiva microlending program. Kiva is a non-profit organization that allows people to lend money to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Their mission is to “connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.” 

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, the club at ESD has recently made the following loans:

  • $25 to Minh in Vietnam, to help him get equipment for his toilet (to be repaid in 20 months) 
  • $25 to Mao in Cambodia for a water filter (to be repaid in 8 months) 
  • $50 to Nozanin in Tajikistan, to help her with Med school tuition (to be repaid in 50 months or less) 
  • $50 to Luisa, a farmer in Perú, to help her buy cows so she can sell milk (to be repaid in 20 months) 
  • $100 to Zaynab, a Palestinian refugee and mother of five living in Lebanon, to provide raw materials for her business (to be repaid in 14 months) 

Approximately 20+ students are involved in World Affairs Club. 2018-19 Club Officers include:

  • Sameer Bhasin ’20, President
  • Daniel Kaplan ’20, Vice President
  • Kerrm Ahsan ’20, Secretary
  • Mary Cowser ’21 and Meera Gangasani ’20, Microlending Coordinators
  • Zander Knight ’21, Stall Street Journal Committee Head

Keep up the good work, Eagles!

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