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Mastermind Meditate will host for the first time a new workshop for those looking to stress less at work, be a stronger leader, have better business and personal relationships, and improved mental and physical health. The “Intro to Emotional Intelligence” workshop will be held on Saturday, April 27, at the Westside Campus in Dallas.

“Unlike traditional intelligence (IQ), which typically remains stable over a person’s lifetime, emotional intelligence is not fixed over time – it is something that can always be improved upon,” said Dorsey Standish, workshop leader and Chief Mindfulness Officer at Mastermind Meditate. “An emotional intelligence mindfulness practice not only benefits us physically and mentally, but it also has huge benefits for workplace performance and stress reduction. People who practice mindfulness at work are shown to have more appropriate reactions to stress, be more creative, more compassionate, better communicators and better leaders. In this class, we’ll take a deep dive into mindful communication and compassion to help you become a better friend, partner, co-worker or boss.”

Mastermind Meditate is the only company in Dallas to offer mindfulness training backed by brain health research. This seminar of science-based training will teach techniques to improve workplace performance, support personal and professional relationships, and promote overall wellbeing. Participants will learn ways to improve mental and physical health and leave with improved awareness of self and others, and a personal mindfulness routine to enhance relationships and communication. Each student will leave with meditation tips and tricks, inspiration for daily practice, and a cited course workbook for referral. All levels are welcome, from those new to meditation to those who practice daily.

When:             Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Where:            Central Westside Campus, 4711 Westside Drive, Dallas, TX 75209

Cost:               Early-bird registration through March 31 is $199 for April workshop

                      (use code INTELLIGENCE)

                       The regular registration rate is $249

Benefits:         Eight hours of mindfulness and cognitive training

                       A brain health workbook

                       Breakfast and lunch receptions

Details:          The Intro to Emotional Intelligence workshop will cover the research-backed benefits of improving emotional intelligence, will include several mindfulness practices for self-awareness, and will dive deep into mindful communication and compassion practices to help change how you are present in your personal and professional life.

Register at or call 214-522-4575.

About Mastermind Meditate. Mastermind Meditate is a mindfulness meditation consulting team guiding workshops, seminars and classes across the state of Texas. Mastermind Meditate trained professionals make meditation accessible with fully guided, brain health-based practices designed to reduce stress and improve focus. Mastermind Meditate facilitators lead science-based, research-backed mindfulness classes at the UT Dallas Brain Performance Institute, Klyde Warren Park, and at other event venues for corporations, educational institutions, and private individuals. For more information, visit

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