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The Crow Museum of Asian Art and Mastermind Meditate have announced a two-day Mindfulness for Beginners mindful meditation seminar on January 19th and 20th to help you keep that new year resolution to start meditating. Those enrolling before December 19 will save $50 on registration and all who enroll will receive a one-year membership to the Crow Museum of Asian of Art.

“If you’re new to meditation, Mindfulness for Beginners is a great introduction to mindful meditation. If meditation is a part of your life already, the workshop can help you focus your practice,” said Dorsey Standish, Chief Mindfulness Officer and Workshop Leader, Mastermind Meditate. “Resolutions are great, but how do you start to form new habits? This two-day seminar is a perfect way to start and it’s data driven – backed by brain health research because we know mental health is just as important as physical health.”

The curriculum covers the historical evolution of mindfulness, the research-backed health benefits of mindfulness practice, and the study of the pillars of mindfulness in a supportive, instructor-led environment. Participants will experience mindful living techniques such as mindful walking, mindful eating, and mindful communication as well as the powerful practices of intention and compassion. Each student will leave with meditation tips and tricks, inspiration for daily practice, and a cited course workbook for referral.

“We are honored to provide programs like this retreat with Mastermind Meditate,” shared Beth Reese, Ph.D., Director of Education and Mindfulness for The Crow Collection. “As part of our mission to love and celebrate the arts and cultures of Asia, we embrace and integrate into our workplace these ancient traditions and research-based transformational tools. I have experienced first-hand how mindfulness-based practices empower humans of all ages to actively practice being aware, present, focused, empathetic, and compassionate to self and other in the midst of any circumstance.”

The workshop will take place on Saturday, January 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Sunday, January 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Crow Museum of Asian Art. Save $50 and register for the workshop for just $199 by using the code NEWYEARNEWYOU by December 19 to receive this discount and a Mastermind swag bag. After December 19, registration is $249 per person. In addition to ten hours of mindfulness training and a brain health workbook, all participants will receive a one-year Access Pass membership to the Crow Museum of Asian Art with parking, and a guided mindful tour of the Crow Museum. A breakfast reception on Saturday and Sunday and lunch on Saturday is also included.  

Register at or call 214-522-4575.

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