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Visiting speaker Dr. Roger Gonzalez, Founder and President of LIMBS International, challenged Alcuin Upper School students to design mock prosthetic limbs. The students presented their findings via Skype to engineers.

Prominent Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Visit with Alcuin Students to Share Best Practices and Key Learnings

Alcuin School, a leader in Montessori and International Baccalaureate® education, welcomed a variety of prominent local business leaders and entrepreneurs to campus for a series of compelling discussions with Middle and Upper School students on the benefits of collaboration and innovation in the workplace.   Visit

The speakers’ participation was part of the Alcuin Innovative and Entrepreneurial Leadership Speaker Series which  gives students an opportunity to interact with today’s business and community leaders who offer hands-on, real world and relevant learning experiences.

Dr. Roger Gonzalez, Founder and President of LIMBS International, gave a presentation on the impact of innovation on education. LIMBS International, Inc. (LIMBS) is committed to restoring mobility to the millions of amputees around the world while engaging communities and empowering students. Dr. Gonzalez is among an esteemed group of thought leaders that has visited Alcuin School this month.

Dr. Gonzalez has worked with students in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America on various international engineering research and humanitarian projects. During his presentation, he shared his experiences and engaged Alcuin students in an inspirational exchange of ideas.

Following the presentation, Alcuin Upper School students participated in a mini-engineering challenge in the Alcuin Innovation Studio. Students were divided into teams to work on designing prosthetic limbs and then presented their findings via Skype to the LIMBS engineers.  

Alcuin’s Innovation Studio is a high-tech, state-of-the-art facility open to first grade through Upper School students and is designed to promote educational success through a high-tech interactive learning environment that stimulates imagination, creativity, innovation, and leadership exploration.

Students gathered at the Alcuin Innovation Studio to meet with entrepreneur Steve Wallach. Mr. Wallach is an adviser to Centerpoint Venture partners, Sevin Rosen Funds, and Interwest, and a consultant to the United States Department of Energy Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Wallach has 33 patents and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow and was a founding member of PITAC (The Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee). Mr. Wallach met with students to discuss what it takes to launch a start-up and how innovation plays an active role in the evolution of technology and creative business solutions.

Students were also inspired by former Alcuin parent Gabriel Goncalves, Founder of PeopleAnswers. Goncalves has a proven track record in the technology arena for identifying market opportunities, bringing together solid management teams, and driving success. Prior to PeopleAnswers, Goncalves co-founded HomeTracker, a successful asset management software company administering tens of thousands of properties in real estate portfolios.

Mr. Goncalves’ presentation titled “Pursue Your Passion” encouraged students to follow their interests, strengthen their abilities, and explore opportunities that offer well-rounded educational experiences. 

“We were honored to host this esteemed group of thought leaders at Alcuin School,” said Walter Sorensen, Alcuin Head of School. “Access to professionals of this caliber, who share their best practices and key learnings, give Alcuin students an educational edge today as they face the challenges of tomorrow.” 

About Alcuin School

A vibrant, nurturing, coeducational academic community serving students from toddler to 12th grade, Alcuin School uses the Montessori and International Baccalaureate program methods to foster critical thinking and a lifelong passion for learning. With faculty support, students at Alcuin School are eager to embrace change, question the status quo, and prepare for their future as leaders in a global society. For more information, please visit

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