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The Alcuin organic garden is the perfect place to visit on Earth Day.

Alcuin's Earth Day Focused on Air and Wind Energy  

Alcuin School students celebrated Earth Day with a variety of activities including a "Picnic for the Planet" in the pavilion on campus April 22. This year, the Alcuin Earth Day theme was "Air."  The students participated in a series of activity stations that explored: "What is air? How does it move? What can it move? How thick is our layer of air? What force keeps it on the Earth? How do we keep it clean?" Classes rotated through five stations that demonstrated various aspects of "air." The Texas representative from "Kid Wind" was also on hand to demonstrate the transformation of wind energy, a sustainable energy source to electricity. Students also experimented with stomp rockets, whirly gigs, parachutes and an oxygen cycle. Following the Picnic for the Planet, Middle School students used science and math skills to build and fly kites powered of course by "air."

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