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The Shelton School Parents' Association (SPA) raised money at the 2024 Stampede benefit auction on March 1 at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. Attendees enjoyed the evening with "Back to the 80s" as the theme. The evening included a cocktail reception, seated dinner, live and big board auctions and musical entertainment by Emerald City.

Auction proceeds go toward improving academics, curriculum programs, arts, athletics, technology, professional development for teachers, our wellness program, security enhancements and tuition assistance. Proceeds also go to the Shelton Endowment Fund and the Shelton Scholarship Fund. Among the items available at the auction were the Ultimate Cowboys experience, including travel for two on the Cowboys team-chartered plane and two tickets to a Cowboys away game, a poker party with former Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith, four tickets to Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour in Amsterdam and more.

2024 Stampede Auction co-chairs were Jennie Jones and Carolyn StrickfadenGina Rangel Pena and JoAnna Sudbeck are co-presidents of the 2023-2024 Shelton Parents' Association, which sponsored the event. Shelly Lloyd is Shelton's Director of Volunteer Relations and Events. 

Executive Director Suzanne Stell thanked the parents, volunteers, sponsors and staff who helped make the Stampede a success. "We couldn't do this without everyone," she said. "Our students would not experience the growth or the success they do without the support of what you do on evenings like tonight."

Shelton board member Bill Corrigan, who is father to tenth-grade Shelton student Kiwi and former Shelton student MaeMae, asked the crowd to give a standing donation for the Shelton staff. "This is one of the top schools in the country for children with learning differences," he said. "We love you guys and thank you for all that you do for our school."

Thanks to everyone for creating a successful event and for contributing funds that support Shelton!

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By Amy Cushner

Associate Head of Shelton School

Educator Elizabeth Stone once wrote that having a child is “to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” When children are hurt, parental emotions trigger a call to action. But what if the hurt is invisible? What if the struggle is not seen or the effects are not felt until years later? This is the path of a child with a learning difference.

A constitutional learning difference is a person with average to above average intelligence, who is at risk for failing when exposed to standard methods of education, due to neurological processing difficulties. This is not related to effort. Common learning differences are dyslexia (decoding, spelling), ADHD, oral language disorders, dysgraphia (handwriting) and dyscalculia (math). Learning Differences affect approximately 20 percent of the population or one in five children and adults. A learning difference is not overt or transparent like a skinned knee — unless the soft signs are present and the eye is trained to see them. 

Early Signs

Dr. Sylvia Richardson, pediatrician, speech pathologist, Montessorian, former president of the International Dyslexia Association and advocate for early intervention of learning differences, said, “If you would identify children who are high risk for failure in academic learning tasks, with the goal of providing early intervention, evaluate: coordination, language, attention, perception, social-emotional.” 

Delays in these areas during the critical developmental stage of birth to 6 are the early signs of a potential learning difference. Simply remember C-L-A-P-S. Delays, no matter the level of severity in any or all of these areas, can be acted on with early intervention. This is not new information. In 1902, James Hinchelwood was the first advocate of record to give the clarion call of action for early intervention. He said, “The sooner the nature of the child’s deficit is recognized, the better the chances of the child’s improvement.”

Time to Act

The conduit for a parent to understand and get help for these areas of child development can be a pediatrician, speech pathologist or early childhood educator. We can also build awareness and understanding of typical versus atypical child development through the use of online developmental charts and checklists or websites such as Podcasts from researchers like Dr. Sally Shaywitz address early signs of dyslexia. Intervention includes work with a speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist and attending a school that specializes in working with children at risk prior to kindergarten, such as Shelton’s Early Childhood. 

Katrina De Hirsch, a pioneer in early learning disabilities, once wrote, "Our present-day knowledge is sufficient to clear the way for preventive work. We are undoubtedly able to pick out those youngsters in kindergarten who are liable to turn into dyslexic children. Exposing these particular youngsters to a different educational approach would eliminate much of the later-developing frustrations and disabilities." 

We are stewards of our children’s future, for they cannot make decisions regarding intervention. Our children cannot afford for us to “wait and see.”

Amy Cushner is Associate Head of Shelton School, Early Childhood-Sixth Grades at the Shelton School in Dallas, Texas. She holds an M. Ed., is a CALT, Qualified Instructor in MSLE programs for written language disorders and is Montessori certified, Elementary 1. Most important to Amy, she has 30 years of joyful experience in working with children with learning differences and their families. 


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Not only did Alisa and Ryan Richardson find academic support and help for their learning differences at Shelton, but they found each other. 

Alisa came to Shelton in eighth grade and Ryan started at Shelton in fifth grade, each grappling with their own learning differences — Alisa with ADHD and Dyslexia and Ryan with Dyslexia. They became best friends in eighth grade. 

After graduating from Shelton in 2005, Alisa majored in psychology at Oklahoma State University and Ryan majored in business at the University of Arkansas. The two became a couple after college and married in 2012. 

As their own family blossomed, Alisa and Ryan knew exactly where to turn for their children's education. Charlie Ann and Nolan followed in their parents' footsteps and are now students at Shelton. It was a decision rooted in the firm belief that Shelton provided not just an education but a foundation for success tailored to each child's needs. Second-grader Charlie Ann receives support for Auditory Processing and Dysgraphia, while fourth-grader Nolan receives support for Dyslexia.

Alisa has embraced the role of a stay-at-home mom while also taking on the leadership of a Shelton Girl Scout troop. Meanwhile, Ryan has established himself as the owner of Audi Dallas and Goodson Acura of Dallas. Reflecting on their parenting decisions, Alisa says, “We knew that the best thing we could do for our children was to start them off at Shelton from the beginning so they would have a solid foundation in place for their future educational journey.” 

Alisa shares insightful advice for parents navigating similar challenges: “Make your child’s learning difference their superpower,” she says. “Don’t let it burden them, but instead give them the tools to soar to unimaginable heights.”

It’s a Valentine’s love story. Alisa and Ryan's enduring bond, coupled with their positive outlook on learning differences, began to flourish during their formative years at Shelton, starting all the way back in eighth grade.

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Ethics Symposium_1-24-2024_5113 (1) (1).JPG Keynote speaker Dr. Melinda Sutton, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at SMU, spoke at Shelton's Ethics Symposium about the ethics of student conduct and academic integrity.

Shelton's eleventh- and twelfth-grade students attended Shelton's 22nd Ethics Symposium, "Everyday Ethics," on Jan. 24, 2024. Activities included guided discussions, small group exercises and panel discussions with guest presenters. Speakers and panelists engaged students with lessons learned from real-world professional experiences. Keynote speaker Dr. Melinda Sutton, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at SMU, spoke about the ethics of student conduct and academic integrity. Chase Miller (Shelton Class of 2014), who is Executive Vice President at NAI Robert Lynn, delivered the “Charge of the Day.” 

Panels included: 

The Ethics of Taking Action (the responsibility of being an engaged citizen):

  • Cara Mendelsohn, Dallas City Council Member, District 12, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on General Investigating and Ethics
  • Gromer Jeffers, Dallas Morning News political reporter

Ethics of Taking Care (sustainability, protecting the environment, taking care of our community):

  • Carlos R. Evans, Dallas Director of the Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability, Dallas City Hall
  • Avery McKitrick, University of Texas-Dallas’ Senior Sustainability Coordinator for Operations and Engagement
  • Chris Guldi, former Conservation Chair of the Dallas Sierra Club 

The Ethics of Taking Heart (knowing right from wrong, recovering from mistakes, building resiliency):

  • Michael Berry, Executive Director of Youth Guidance and former program supervisor of B.A.M., Becoming a Man in Dallas Independent School District, a mentoring program that guides young men to become positive members of their community
  • Tim Grigsby, CEO of the 24 Hour Club, which offers support services for homeless alcoholics and addicts
  • Mandi Patton, Program Manager of the 24 Hour Club
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By Dr. Laure Ames
Director of Shelton Evaluation Center
The Shelton Evaluation Center works with students who have dyslexia on a weekly basis. The International Dyslexia Association defines dyslexia in the following way: “Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.”

Despite years of research into what dyslexia is and how it can be remediated as well as both state and federal laws requiring the identification and servicing of dyslexia, parents frequently struggle to get their child identified and served. I struggled for years to get my own son identified and served in his public school, and I hear the same frustration that I had from parents today.

Dyslexic students are not a small number of students in our population. According to Dr. Sally Shaywitz, co-director of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, “Dyslexia affects one out of five people. Dyslexia is the most common reading disability — 20 percent of the population is struggling with this hidden disability. It crosses racial, ethnic and socioeconomic lines. With proper instruction and accommodations, it can be remediated. Many students remain undiagnosed and untreated. As a result, they struggle with the impact of their dyslexia. The diagnosis and treatment remain elusive in public schools, and even more so in urban school populations, and African American and Latino communities.” 

Recent statistics show that only 15 percent of fourth graders read on grade level in a local public school system in Dallas. The results of reading failure impact students, families and society. Dr. Reid Lyon, Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) at the National Institutes of Health, addressed Congress in 2001 and stated that, “The educational and public health consequences of this level of reading failure are dire. Of the 10 to 15 percent of children who will eventually drop out of school, over 75 percent will report difficulties learning to read. Likewise, only 2 percent of students receiving special or compensatory education for difficulties learning to read will complete a four-year college program. Surveys of adolescents and young adults with criminal records indicate that at least half have reading difficulties, and in some states the size of prisons a decade in the future is predicted by fourth grade reading failure rates. Approximately half of children and adolescents with a history of substance abuse have reading problems. It goes without saying that failure to learn to read places children's futures and lives at risk for highly deleterious outcomes. It is for this reason that the NICHD considers reading failure to reflect a national public health problem.”

Remembering my son’s struggles, my attempts to advocate for him and students like him, and knowing how important it is to identify dyslexia and intervene early, I have watched in awe as a group of dedicated parents with Decoding Dyslexia, educational advocates and lawmakers have worked tirelessly over the last several years to clarify existing laws in support of dyslexic students. House Bill 3928, named for Shelton student Beckley Wilson, is the latest result of that dedication. Some of the significant changes coming as a result of the law include the fact that students with dyslexia and families have access to the unique educational rights of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and schools must offer evaluations for dyslexia via IDEA and include all areas of suspected disability (vs. the previous limited, dyslexia-only evaluations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Significantly, the identification of dyslexia (or any Specific Learning Disability) no longer requires a significant variance among specific areas of cognitive function or between specific areas of cognitive function and academic achievement, an invalid identification model used for years in our schools. Further, the IDEA multidisciplinary evaluation team must include a highly trained member with specific knowledge about the reading process, dyslexia and related disorders and dyslexia instruction. This person’s signature is required to ensure dyslexia professionals are not excluded from new district evaluation practices under IDEA. And finally, the law requires school boards to create a policy requiring compliance with the Texas Dyslexia Handbook and subsequent TEA guidance.

Dr. Shaywitz has said that it is “inexcusable” to miss the diagnosis of dyslexia as it can “determine the course of a child’s life.” Maybe this is the real progress needed to resolve the inequity often experienced by our dyslexic students.

For more information about diagnosing students with dyslexia and learning differences, visit


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Shelton Lower School teacher Charlotte Fisher is a Montessori trained teacher and an engineer.
Eight Shelton teachers and staff members were the recipients of the 2022-2023 Shelton Parents' Association Recognition Kudos (SPARK) Award on May 25 at the Shelton End-of-the-Year Staff Appreciation Luncheon. This is the eighth year for the award to be presented by SPA. Awards were based on comments received in the spring parent survey. Each awardee received a SPARK crystal statue and a check for $500. 
Lower School: Charlotte Fisher

Peers described EE-4th grade STEM teacher Charlotte Fisher as "creative," "organized," "dedicated," "brilliant" and "helpful." Students said, "She is fun," "We learn about teamwork," "She helps with our mistakes," "She teaches us how to learn" and "I like so many things about STEM, it's hard to choose!" Charlotte is a Shelton parent of two boys, a Montessori trained teacher, an Academic Language Practitioner and an engineer. 

Upper Elementary: Cheryl Prince 

Upper Elementary's Cheryl Prince has generously given her gift to Shelton students for 35 years. One Shelton parent said, "Mrs. Prince is able to read my child, knows when she is anxious and instinctively knows exactly how to help." Others commented, "She is a true advocate and looks at all aspects of the child" and "Mrs. Prince brings out the best in our child. She got him
to not only want to read, but to love to read!"

Middle School: Georgana Jinks 

Middle School teacher Georgana Jinks is an avid reader who shares that passion with students. Parents described her as patient, kind and a good listener, and they appreciate the individual attention and support she gives to students. Georgana has touched many lives not only through her reading and English classes, but also through Middle School Drama, Upper School Theatre and the Chargerettes. 

Upper School: Kim Self 

Upper School teacher Kim Self is described by her peers as "creative, enthusiastic, patient, kind and one of our favorite coworkers." Shelton parents said, "Her expertise, knowledge, care, concern and overall instruction are unmatched" and "She is a master teacher who holds students to a high standard." Kim started working in the Shelton Upper School 20 years ago and has taught Biology and now Reading. She is a Certified Academic Language Therapist and has tutored countless students over the years. Her  daughter, Kennedi, graduated from Shelton in 2022.

All Around: Librarians Kelli Yonker, Mary Drexler, Deanna Wallace and Melissa Montgomery

Shelton's four librarians — Kelli Yonker, Mary Drexler, Deanna Wallace and Melissa Montgomery — embrace connecting with our students and encouraging a belief of self. Even though some Shelton students are challenged with the written word, Shelton librarians have created a culture in which students flock to the area of the school where they are surrounded by written materials. The four have cultivated a culture of joy within our libraries, allowing students to be transported by and immersed in books. The libraries are the heart of each division, and Kelli, Mary, Marissa and Deanna are in the hearts of Shelton students. 






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The Shelton School celebrated the graduation of 92 students on May 20 on the school’s football field. 

Members of the Class of 2023 have received 376 acceptances to 162 different colleges and universities and received $9.6 million in merit scholarships. They are headed to 50 different colleges, across 21 states. Valedictorian Callie Wakefield scored a perfect score of 36 on the ACT Reading and Science sections. Callie will attend the University of South Florida, where she plans to major in Marine Biology. Callie has been accepted into the USF Honors College and will be a member of the Division 1 Track and Cross Country teams at USF. Ten other students scored 30 or higher on ACT Composite and 23 scored 30 or higher on the ACT Reading. Salutatorian Kendall Bernbaum will attend Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., where she is considering majoring in the Health Sciences field and will play for the women’s basketball team at Macalester. Eight members of the Class of 2023 have committed to play sports in college in five sports. Maisie Doerr completed a year-long audition process that resulted in an acceptance into the prestigious Musical Theatre program at Boston Conservatory at Berklee. In addition, members of the Class of 2023 have contributed more than 3,997 service hours in our community.

In her speech, Callie said, “I believe that the members of the Shelton Class of 2023 are going to succeed in the next steps of life. We have learned to work harder than the average student at other schools. We have learned to overcome challenges that others could never imagine. We have learned to adapt to whatever life brings us. We have learned to advocate for ourselves. And most importantly, we have learned to embrace our differences and turn them into strengths. Our differences are what makes us unique individuals. This special class is a powerful force.”

Graduation speaker Rev. Paul L. Rasmussen, Senior Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas and father of the Class of 2023's Luke Rasmussen, spoke about the value of the simple things and the importance of treating every job like it’s the most important job that you will ever have. He advised the graduates to answer the question, “What kind of person do you want to be?” before deciding what they want to do. He also spoke about the value of failure, using the analogy of Kintsugi, the ancient Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with “liquid gold.” “Failure is not a destination ever,” he said. “Failure is a pass through to something excellent. Failure is something that will lead you to improvement. I know of no other place in the city of Dallas that is better than Shelton in taking young men and women with learning differences — what the rest of the world would consider a flaw — and figuring out how to take each broken piece and putting it back together until they discover that they are more gifted, more valuable and more important to the future of our community and our world than they ever could have been in their original form.”

Executive Director Suzanne Stell congratulated the class on their resilience. “We believe this senior class has emerged stronger for the difficulties they have experienced,” she said. “This class is marked by empathy and compassion, an unselfish attitude of quiet leadership and a commitment to serving others that leaves a lasting legacy. We see in you the leaders that take action with the joy of a servant’s heart and with compassion. You are definitely what our world needs today.”

Read interviews with Shelton’s Class of 2023 Top 10 graduates at this link.

Watch a video of the 2023 Shelton graduation at this link.

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Rev. Paul L. Rasmussen, Senior Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, will be Shelton's 2023 graduation speaker on Saturday, May 20, at 10 a.m. on Shelton's football field (rain-out date is May 21). His speech at the 2022 Shelton Senior Luncheon about being the best you can be was so powerful that that Shelton administration wanted this year's graduating class to hear the same motivating message.

Before entering seminary in 2000, Paul served as an assistant men's basketball coach at Centenary College for five years. During his tenure, Centenary was one of seven NCAA schools to graduate 100 percent of its players. Paul left coaching in 1997 to pursue a career in sports marketing where he served as the National Sales Director for SportsCare USA, Inc. He began pursuing his call to ministry in 2000. He has served on the staff at Highland Park United Methodist Church since 2000.

Paul began an internship at HPUMC in 2000 while studying for his Master of Divinity from SMU’s Perkins School of Theology. In 2001, he began preaching at Cornerstone, Highland Park United Methodist Church’s contemporary worship service. In 2013, Paul became the eleventh senior pastor to serve HPUMC congregation’s of over 15,000 members. Paul has overseen several new church plans. In 2011, Munger Place Church was renovated and reopened serving as an East Dallas satellite campus. The Grove Church launched in 2017 in North Dallas and Uptown Church began in 2021. He also played a key role in the opening of the Tolleson Family Activity Center in 2019, which is home to HPUMC’s Belong disAbility Ministry and Family Ministry.     

A native of Shreveport, La., Paul is a fourth-generation United Methodist minister. He holds an undergraduate degree in History from Centenary College of Louisiana, a Master of Arts from the University of Richmond and a Master of Divinity from Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology.

Paul and his wife Ashley, a real estate agent in Dallas, have three children: Paul, Jr., Arden, and Luke, who is a member of Shelton's Class of 2023.

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Eleventh- and twelfth-grade students attended Shelton's 21st Ethics Symposium, "Evolving Ethical Standards in the Digital Age," on March 1. Activities included guided discussions, small group exercises and panel discussions with guest presenters. Keynote speakers and panelists engaged students with lessons learned from real-world professional experiences.  

Leona Allen, Deputy Publisher and Chief Talent and Diversity Officer at The Dallas Morning News, gave the charge for the day and spoke with students about the importance of ethical decision-making in their personal lives. Kristin Kendrick, Case Manager at Cafe Momentum, was the keynote speaker. She spoke about the value of second chances. Cafe Momentum has changed the lives of more than 1,000 teens by employing and providing life-skills training to a staff of young women and men exiting the Dallas County juvenile detention facility. 

Panels included: 

Ethics & Media:

  • Tom Huang, Assistant Managing Editor for Journalism Initiatives, The Dallas Morning News
  • Gilbert Bailon, Executive Editor, KERA
  • Elvira Sakmari, Digital Director for
  • Keri Mitchell, Executive Director, Dallas Free Press

Ethics & Technology

  • Ryan Stafford, AVP of Labor Relations, AT&T
  • Terri West, Chairman of the Texas Instruments Foundation Board and former Senior Vice President of Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • Anna Benoy, Senior Technology Analyst, Southwest Airlines

Ethics & Sports

  • Mechelle Lewis-Freeman, Head Women's Relays Coach for USA Track & Field, 2008 Track & Field Olympian and CEO/Founder of TrackGirlz, a nonprofit empowering girls and women through track and field
  • Mark Brandenburg, Senior Managing Director of Finance for JLL and former pitcher for the Texas Rangers and the Boston Red Sox
  • Franco Broyles, Owner and Director of The Texas Travelers and Broyles Baseball Academy, former University of Arkansas baseball player

Shelton is the world's largest school for students with learning differences, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and ADHD.


Shelton Admission Director Meghan Miller will host an Upper Elementary Prospective Parent Tour on Thursday, Feb. 23, at 9:00 a.m. Register by Feb. 20 by clicking the link here. Shelton is the largest independent school for students with learning differences. Upper Elementary services students in third-fifth grades. Shelton is located at 17301 Preston Road, Dallas.