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As a Park Cities resident for more than 25 years, I've been a longtime fan of Burger House and have seen first-hand the local impact of this iconic Snider Plaza restaurant. Now, a member of the Burger House family needs our help. I've included a note from Kelly Walker below — please consider helping Poncho and his family as they work to rebuild their lives following Poncho's recent health setbacks.

We all know and love Poncho from Burger House on Hillcrest in our UP neighborhood.

Poncho is 41 and has been with Burger House for over 20 years. He has always been there for us fixing a chocolate milk shake when our kids have been sick or a burger at the counter after our kids' school activities.

Now he and his family need our help… On Sunday, Poncho suffered from a massive heart attack and is in an induced coma due to its severity. He will have huge medical bills to pay and in addition will be unable to work as he begins to recuperate. Let’s show Poncho how much our community cares about one of its own.

Please go to and contribute to support Poncho and his wife and children.

Thank you for your support and please keep Poncho and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Walker

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