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Please see updated information regarding Poncho from Burger House, provided by Kelly Walker:


Poncho had an MRI and other tests recently and it was confirmed that he has experienced brain damage.

The doctors stopped the drug inducing coma medication on Friday and he regained consciousness this morning. Now that he is awake, the Doctors will run a series of tests to determine the extent of the brain damage and will be able to define his path for rehabilitation. I will keep you posted on his continued progress. I recently learned that Poncho has 4 children, one of which is his new born daughter of 2 months.

Thank you for your unbelievable kindness and compassion toward Poncho and his family. The manner in which our neighborhood is rallying around Poncho speaks volumes about our community.

Please continue to keep Poncho and his family in your prayers and if you haven’t considered contributing to his fund I encourage you to do so. In addition, please forward his link to your friends and ask for their support.

Kind Regards,
Kelly Walker

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