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Please see updated information regarding Poncho from Burger House, provided by Kelly Walker:  


Poncho is finally home. However, several days after being home, he was rushed back to the hospital due to complications that, according to the Doctors, almost caused him to suffer yet another heart attack. He was hospitalized for two days and now he arrived home yesterday. He will slowly begin his rehabilitation this coming week. He remains very weak but getting stronger every day according to Nathan, his son. He is expected to return to Burger House and his job upon his full recovery.

Nathan has also shared that the hospital bills are coming in and it is now time for his family to begin to address them. Thanks to your unbelievable compassion and generosity, our community has raised almost $40,000 to assist Poncho and his family.

Your continued prayers for Poncho and his family are critical to his full recovery and if you haven’t considered making a contribution to his fund I would encourage you to do so. In addition, please forward this link to your friends and ask for them to support Poncho and his family. Please don’t hesitate to stop by Burger House for continued updates on Poncho’s progress.       

Once again, thank you for caring so much about one of our own.  

Kelly Walker


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