The Episcopal School of Dallas
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Seniors at The Episcopal School of Dallas are getting a unique leg up for their potential college admissions interviews.

ESD College Guidance is rolling out a program through which students can participate in individual interviews with ESD community members who have served as alumni interviewers for their alma maters. ESD is the first independent school in the area to go beyond simply explaining the importance of college admission interviews, but offering an opportunity for the students to practice those interviews one-on-one before the real deal.

“Historically, our office has offered senior grade-level meetings covering the importance of college admission interviews, but were never able to do so on a one-to-one basis,” said Chris Gonzales, ESD's Director of College Guidance. “This new program will provide invaluable skills for our students to learn how to present themselves in any interview situation. We are grateful to the alumni parents, current parents, and ESD alumni who are making this phenomenal opportunity possible.”

The interviewers will be asking students the same questions they used as an alumni college admissions interviewer for schools, including Dartmouth, Harvard, USC, Princeton, and many others. Since they know firsthand what colleges are looking for, they can provide valuable feedback to the students after their interaction. Caroline Hundley, an ESD alumni parent to Will ’05 and Hal ’10, spearheaded this effort to help students crack the code on what colleges are looking for in their admissions interviews.

“Colleges, as well as employers, want future students or employees who can engage with others and tell their stories in an organized and thoughtful way,” Hundley explained. “We want our students to understand how to distinguish themselves best and set themselves apart from other students who may look similar on paper.”

The Mock Interview program and the WORX Internship program, now in its fifth year, are two ways the ESD community supports and contributes to the future successes of their students. These meaningful experiences and insights benefit ESD students in their college admissions process and, down the line, the workforce.