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Leon and Leticia McNeil and their son, LeeCharles, on South Padre Island, on September 3, 2023.In the brackish water of a canal in Port Isabel, about 25 miles northwest of Brownsville, are roughly two dozen kids, aged seven to seventeen, cooling off. They splash. They laugh. A few of the older boys leap from the second story of a boat dock. Standing on the dock supervising is Leon McNeil.“Anthony, come in a little bit, and make sure those young’uns do the same,” McNeil calls out to an older boy as a boat passes by. When one of the smaller kids cuts his foot while swimming, McNeil calls him over for a look-see. The slice is not severe but clearly painful. “When you’re swimming around those pillars, you gotta watch out,” he says. “Those barnacles will cut you quick. But that…

The post A Powerful Introduction to Nature for Kids Who Rarely See It appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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