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Who Are the Non-Voters in Texas?When U.S. senator Ted Cruz mounted the stage on election night in 2018, after narrowly fending off a surprisingly robust challenge by Democratic congressman Beto O’Rourke of El Paso, the metaphors in his victory speech quickly turned martial. Cruz deemed the election, which had invigorated Democrats in a way not seen in decades, a “battle of ideas” and said that he’d turned back “an assault.” He triumphantly declared that “the people of Texas decided this race.”Strictly speaking, that wasn’t true. If the campaign was indeed a war, it was one defined by its conscientious objectors. Although Texas’s turnout that year was 18 percentage points higher than in 2014, in the previous midterm election, it was still the eleventh-lowest level of turnout in the country. Cruz…

The post Sorry, Democrats: Texas Isn’t a Secretly Blue State appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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