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birding big year Tiffany KerstenTiffany Kersten drove east through Kansas at a perilous speed, racing toward Wichita. She nervously tapped her fingers against the steering wheel. Over the past two days of driving, starting in Colorado, she’d watched the Rocky Mountains recede in her rearview mirror; now she passed through a sea of sere plains. After four hours on the road, she’d made it all the way to the outskirts of Wichita—and slowed down considerably—when she noticed a county sheriff’s patrol car tailing her. Damn!Kersten watched cautiously, driving with care. She slowed her rental SUV, hoping the officer would speed past. For a moment, it seemed he would. But he flicked on his lights. Kersten’s stomach rolled, and she gripped the wheel nervously. Pulling over to the shoulder, she took…

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