Francie Johnsen
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Calling all Highland Park High School alumni! 

Join us for a fun and casual gathering to catch up with old friends, make new connections and share memories at our monthly All-Alumni Happy Hour on Wednesday, February 12 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at The Barley House on SMU Blvd. 

Great opportunity to enjoy great company and celebrate Valentines and non-Valentines! Anyone else remember AFS "Valentines Day" Carnations from the 80's LOL?!?

Spread the word and bring your fellow classmates!

Also, it's time to submit your news to Tracy Flint for the Scot Times magazine by 2/21.

Francie Johnsen
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Calling all Highland Park High School alumni! 

Join us for a fun and casual gathering to catch up with old friends, make new connections and share memories at our monthly All-Alumni Happy Hour on Wednesday, February 12 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at The Barley House on SMU Blvd. 

Great opportunity to enjoy great company and celebrate Valentines and non-Valentines! Anyone else remember AFS "Valentines Day" Carnations from the 80's LOL?!?

Spread the word and bring your fellow classmates!

Also, it's time to submit your news to Tracy Flint for the Scot Times magazine by 2/21.

Francie Johnsen
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Alumni from all classes of Highland Park High School are invited to stop by the Barley House Wednesday 1/8 530pm to 730pm to meet up for fun and networking! Invite all your classmates and other years friends too!

Francie Johnsen
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Come one, Come ALL to the Spring Highland Park High and all HPISD Alumni all classes Happy Hour at the Barley House tomorrow May 7 5:30pm to 7:30pm!

Catch up with alumni from all classes for this fun Spring get together.