The Episcopal School of Dallas
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While students at The Episcopal School of Dallas are used to choir teachers Mr. Snyder playing the organ or Mrs. Wiles playing the piano during chapel, Upper School students were treated to a performance by classmate Dani Nisbet ’22 earlier this month. Dani performed an original piano composition titled Los Sueños de Andalucía, which means dreams of Andalucía.

Inspired by his upcoming trip to study Spanish in Granada - a city in the southernmost region of Spain, Andalucía - Dani wanted to compose a piece that was different from his previous works. “I find the merge of Arab and Spanish culture to be remarkably fascinating,” he said. “I listen and study music from different cultures and in particular, I've been researching and diving into traditional Arab and Spanish music. My goal was to create a piece that reflected a certain style of music, so I choose Andalucía as a region to base it off of.” 

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Everyone in attendance was amazed at the level of skill required for the composition. "What a terrific start to Student Body Week," said Head of Upper School Henry Heil. The piece performed in chapel is Dani’s sixth piece written in his four years of composing. 

Thanks for sharing your talents, Dani!