The Episcopal School of Dallas
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For students with a strong interest in finance, ESD’s Student-Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) club is a dream come true. Students in SMIF are granted the opportunity to manage some of the school’s reserve funds for long-term capital expenditures, and meet weekly to make investment decisions and discuss investing and capital markets.  

During Friday’s weekly meeting, Jakesy Jordaan, a 2014 graduate of ESD and current SMU senior, dropped by to share his personal experience in the field of finance and offer advice on how students can best prepare for a career in the industry. He stressed that the most important work starts now: building solid habits in high school, like study skills and self-discipline, will serve students well in college and beyond. Jordaan was also quick to emphasize that, for those students who know they want to work in the finance industry, mapping out your path early is a major key to success.

"The process is always going to favor those who have planned ahead,” explained Jordaan.

Hearing those words from someone who had once sat in their desk was impactful for members of SMIF. “[Jakesy] gave the students a serious call to action for those considering a career in finance or New York,” said ESD’s Chief Financial Officer and SMIF Club Sponsor, Robert Buchholz.

The hands-on experience and industry knowledge provided to members of the Student-Managed Investment Fund club, just one of 44 clubs in the ESD Upper School, is a unique approach to prepare these students for the real world. Whether or not these students all end up in the field of finance, the leadership skills and experience they received will allow them to excel in many aspects of their lives.

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