The Episcopal School of Dallas
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Earlier this month, third-grade students at The Episcopal School of Dallas visited North Dallas Shared Ministries (NDSM) to hand-deliver the 454 bags of food and toiletries - an impressive 3,178 items -  they collected in last week's food drive. This was the culmination of the students' social studies curriculum unit related to wants vs. needs. Students learned that 1 in 4 children (300,000 kids) in North Texas is food insecure, meaning they don't have reliable access to enough affordable and nutritious food or hygiene products.

Students visited a local grocery store earlier this year and were given a budget of just $13.78* - the cost for NDSM to feed one hungry person each day. Students used their mathematical reasoning skills to spend wisely, hoping to make each penny count on behalf of those they were serving. What they learned fueled their determination to help other children in need.

According to their website, North Dallas Shared Ministries’ food programs help 1,000 people each week, so they go through a lot of groceries – $1.8 million annually. Although COVID prevented an in-person delivery last year, students were excited to load the donations onto buses and hand-deliver all 3,178 items. After carrying in all the items, they stocked the pantry shelves. Volunteers emphasized to students the importance of serving the community and how the donated items will help families less fortunate than themselves. 

“While we were at NDSM, we actually got to see volunteers unpacking their donations and placing them right on the shelves,” said Courtney Phelps, Director of Community Service Learning. “It was so amazing the kids got to see so quickly how their donations were going to impact a family in need.”

We are so proud of these Eagles and the many parent volunteers, faculty, and staff that support this great cause.

*Number derived from information gathered from Feeding America, the USDA Thrifty Food Plan, and SNAP benefits estimates for a family of four.