The Episcopal School of Dallas

The Episcopal School of Dallas's Academic Dean, Dr. Eric Boberg, presented his research on educational psychology this week at the prestigious 9th Annual SELF Biennial International Conference. The conference, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, is the premier international psychology conference.

Dr. Boberg had four acceptances into the conference: two poster presentations and two oral presentations- all representing original research that he has cultivated in the realm of educational psychology. The two poster presentations are titled Parental Incentives, Self-Regulation, Engagement, and Mathematics Achievement and Do Reasons for Student Agentic Engagement Matter?: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Underlying Reasons Students Attempt to Influence Teachers, and the two oral presentations are Parenting Style, Self­-Regulation, and Engagement: Assessing Four Dimensions of Engagement and The Undermining Effects of Incentives and Controlled Motivation on Student Trust, Emotional Engagement, and Reading Achievement in Preteens.

Beyond presenting at the SELF Biennial International Conference, several of Dr. Boberg's presentations are on their way to being submitted to journals as well. To explore his published research from the conference, you can view his abstracts here on pages 20, 21, 25, and 38. Congratulations to Dr. Boberg on this incredible achievement.