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Gary Buckner

Gary Buckner, owner of STASH DESIGN, uses his immense knowledge of engineering and industrial design to create unique accessories, furniture and sculptures. Learn more about Buckner and STASH DESIGN:

When did STASH begin?

BUCKNER: February 2011

How long have you been a professional artist?

BUCKNER: Five years

What medium do you use?

BUCKNER: Reclaimed/reused/up-cycled materials/pallets

I use mostly metal and wood in my furniture and art pieces.

How would you describe your style?

BUCKNER: Most of my work is described as industrial or rustic. 

What feeling do you hope you pieces evokes?

BUCKNER: I like to hope my pieces evoke creative feelings and thoughts outside the norm.

What is your artistic process?

I like to follow the flow of a project.  I plan some, but always go with what looks best at the time. 

How do you keep your art inspired?

BUCKNER: I would say I'm always looking for inspiring pieces from other artists and designers. I am also inspired by the materials I find and work with.

What other artists do you enjoy?

BUCKNER: Scott Horn (leather working)

William Baker (architect)

Erica Felicella 

What made you decide to be a full-time artist?

BUCKNER: I don't think I had a choice. I believe in doing what you enjoy and I enjoy building, designing and seeing projects through to completion. I did not want a job so I became an artist. 

What hesitations did you experience when you became a full-time artist?

BUCKNER: Having the confidence to put my work in the public eye and the inconsistent work and pay.

How important is it to market your work?

BUCKNER: It is the only way to sell your art. You have to seek out markets and create a market for your work. You have to find a way to make your pieces different and stick out in the market. 


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