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Cherie Giddens

Cherie Giddens works as a professional watercolorist and owner of Giddens Gallery, an artistic gem found in Grapevine. She finds daily inspiration in nature's ever-changing beauty and transcendence. Learn more about Giddens and her artistic process:  

How long have you been a professional artist?

Giddens: I have a degree in art and taught for a total of 21 years.  I occasionally sold paintings during those years, but did not pursue marketing my work until 2008 when I began exhibiting in galleries.

What medium do you use?

Giddens: I’m a watercolorist using transparent watercolor. 

How would you describe your art style?

Giddens: My style is realistic/expressionism.  I find myself doing a lot of landscapes.

What feeling do you hope you art evokes?

Giddens: I look for a connection between the view or subject in the painting and the viewer.  I always desire to get an emotional response from anyone seeing my work.

What is your artistic process like?

Giddens:  I always start with the subject and look for expressive ways to capture it.  I look for ways to capture these subjects in all the wonderful techniques that only watercolor can accomplish.  From the wet-into-wet first steps, to the development of the negative spaces and the details that eventually bring the painting to life. 

How do you keep your art inspired?

Giddens: There is a never-ending flow from God’s creation that is constantly changing and inspiring me.  No two days are ever the same.  Each with its own sensations and visual impact.  My inspiration comes in moment by moment connections to the visual world around me.

What other artists do you enjoy?

Giddens: I have always liked Andrew Wyeth’s illustrations and a big fan of the impressionists and Salvador Dali.  Two contemporary artists that have been a great influence on my work are Lynn McLain and Steven Quiller.

What made you decide to be a full-time artist?

Giddens: I’ve found that if I’m going to continue to develop skills and paint on a regular basis, there has to be an outlet for the work I’m producing.  Painting is just something that I hope to always do.

What hesitations did you experience when you became a full-time artist?

Giddens: It’s somewhat intimidating to put yourself out there.  Will the public like and want the work I do enough to pay for it?

How important is it to market your work?

Giddens: It seems to be the only way to pass on my inspirations to others.  I want others to connect to what I do and that makes marketing important.

How can people buy or see your art?

Giddens: People can see and purchase my work in our gallery, Giddens Gallery of Fine Art in Grapevine, as well as on the gallery website,

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