
Not wanting to look like a gym bro, but want to make sure your legs are toned? Your quads are a great place to start! Let’s jump in!


What are your quadriceps? 

The quadriceps, also known as the "quads," are a group of muscles in the front of the thigh. 

They consist of four distinct muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius, and the vastus medialis.These muscles are responsible for extending and straightening the knee joint. Strengthening your quads can help improve your athletic performance, prevent injuries, and improve your overall physical health.


How can you strengthen your quadriceps?

  • Squats
    1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair.

    2. Keep your back straight and your knees in line with your toes - creating a 90 degree angle.

    3. Return to the starting position and repeat.


Too easy? Try:

  • Adding weight: Adding weight to your squats can increase the resistance and make the exercise more challenging. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell, or a weighted vest to add resistance.
  • Increasing reps and sets: If you're not ready to add weight, you can increase the number of reps and sets you do. For example, instead of doing three sets of 10 reps, you could do four sets of 12 reps.
  • Changing the tempo: Slowing down the tempo of your squats can make the exercise more challenging. You could try slowing down the lowering phase, holding the bottom position for a few seconds, and then pushing up quickly.
  • Adding a pause at the bottom: Adding a pause at the bottom of your squat can increase the time under tension and make the exercise more challenging. Try holding the bottom position for two to three seconds before pushing back up.
  • Changing the type of squat: There are many variations of the squat that can make the exercise more challenging. For example, you could try a front squat, a single-leg squat, or a Bulgarian split squat.
  • Increasing the range of motion: If you're comfortable with a standard squat, you could try increasing the range of motion by squatting deeper or elevating your heels.

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


  • Lunges
    1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then take a step forward with one foot, lowering your body until your back knee is just above the ground.

    2. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.


Too easy? Try:

  • Adding weight: Just like with squats, adding weight to your lunges can make the exercise more challenging. You can hold dumbbells in each hand or wear a weighted vest to add resistance.
  • Increasing the range of motion: You can increase the range of motion by stepping forward into a deeper lunge or stepping backward into a reverse lunge.
  • Walking lunges: Walking lunges involve taking steps forward with each lunge, which requires more balance and stability than stationary lunges.
  • Adding a plyometric component: Adding a jump or explosive movement to your lunges can increase the intensity of the exercise. For example, you could do jumping lunges or switch lunges.
  • Holding a static lunge: Instead of stepping forward or backward with each lunge, hold a static lunge position for a set amount of time before switching legs. This will increase the time under tension and make the exercise more challenging.
  • Doing Bulgarian split squats: Bulgarian split squats are similar to lunges but require more balance and stability. They involve placing one foot behind you on a bench or step and lowering down into a lunge position with the other leg.

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


  • Step-Ups
    1. Start by standing in front of a bench or step, then step up onto the bench with one foot.

    2. Lower your body back down and repeat with the other foot.


Too easy? Try:

  • Adding weight: Just like with lunges and squats, adding weight to your step-ups can make the exercise more challenging. You can hold dumbbells in each hand, wear a weighted vest, or use a barbell across your shoulders.
  • Increasing the height of the step: Using a higher step can increase the intensity of the exercise. Just make sure the step is stable and secure before stepping up.
  • Doing step-up jumps: Step-up jumps involve explosively jumping up onto the step with both feet, then stepping back down. This can increase the intensity of the exercise and provide a cardiovascular challenge.
  • Adding a knee raise: Adding a knee raise to your step-ups can increase the difficulty of the exercise and work your core. After stepping up onto the step, lift your opposite knee up towards your chest before stepping back down.
  • Doing single-leg step-ups: Performing step-ups on one leg at a time can increase the challenge and work on balance and stability. Make sure to perform an equal number of reps on each leg.
  • Doing a lateral step-up: Lateral step-ups involve stepping sideways onto the step instead of stepping forward. This can increase the challenge and work on different muscles.

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


If you do have a leg press machine, leg presses are another great way to strengthen your quads! To properly execute a leg press, sit on the leg press machine with your foot on the footplate, then press the weight away from your body using your quads. Be sure to keep your back flat against the seat and your knees in line with your toes creating a 90 degree angle! 

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


Why is it important to strengthen your quadriceps?

Strengthening your quadriceps muscles (quads) can provide a number of benefits for your overall health and fitness.  Why would you not want to improve your functional movement? Enhance sports performance? Prevent knee injuries and maybe reduce knee pain? How about improving balance and stability?

The quads are involved in many movements that we do every day, such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting up from a seated position. Through strengthening your quads, it can help alleviate knee pain caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis or patellofemoral pain syndrome. It can also help stabilize your knee joint and can help prevent knee injuries such as ACL tears and meniscus injuries. If you struggle with balance and stability, strong quads will help reduce the risk of falls.


Overall, strengthening your quads can provide numerous benefits for your health and fitness. It's important to incorporate exercises that target the quads into your fitness routine to achieve these benefits. 


If you want to read more of our Body Focus Articles see below:


Lower Back

Hip Flexor


Are you wanting to strengthen your quads and so much more? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


Private workouts offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their physical health and fitness levels. They are one of the most effective and efficient ways to achieve your fitness goals. Below are some key benefits of private workouts, and why they might be the right choice for you.


Personalized Attention

  1. One of the biggest advantages of private workouts is that you receive personalized attention from your personal trainer. This means that your trainer can tailor each workout session to your specific fitness goals and abilities. Your trainer can also adjust your workout plan as needed to ensure you are making progress and reaching your desired outcomes.

Increased Motivation

  1. Having a personal trainer provides accountability and motivation to help you stick to your fitness routine. Your trainer can push you to work harder, provide encouragement and help you stay on track. They can also help you stay focused and motivated, which is especially important when you're trying to reach a specific fitness goal.

Better Results

  1. Private workouts are designed to be more effective than group workouts. Your trainer can focus on your specific needs and target the areas that need the most improvement, leading to better results in a shorter amount of time.

Improved Safety

  1. Working out with a personal trainer ensures that you are using proper form and technique, reducing the risk of injury. Your trainer can also help you avoid overuse injuries by adjusting your workout plan and making sure you are performing exercises correctly.


  1. Private workouts are often more flexible than group workouts. Your trainer can work with you to schedule your workouts at times that are convenient for you, and they can also be flexible with your workout routine if you need to make changes.


In conclusion, private workouts offer a number of benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and reach their fitness goals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, private workouts provide personalized attention, increased motivation, better results, improved safety, and flexibility. If you're considering hiring a personal trainer, give private workouts a try.

Ready to give it a try? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


Who says you have to eat unhealthy food at a Super Bowl party? Yes, is it normal to grab chips and dip and take it easily to a Super Bowl party? ABSOLUTELY! In fact, the number one most consumed food during the Super Bowl is chicken wings followed by pizza and chips and dip.

What about all those healthy choices you have been making leading up to the big game? Or maybe that New Year’s Resolution that is still going on strong? You can still get your fixes on these foods without going over the top and blowing everything you have been working towards. 


Here is how:

 - Instead of Queso go for Guacamole 

This swap is an easy one. Guacamole is the healthier option for a multitude of reasons. It is made with fresh ingredients such as avocado, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro while queso is made with processed cheese.

Additionally, avocados are nutrient dense due to their high vitamin D levels, high fiber content, minerals, and phytonutrients. When looking at fat, some may say that avocados are high in fat. Yes, they are but it is a monounsaturated fat that aids brain function and health while being great for your heart and may aid in lowering your risk of heart disease.

So, reach for the guac over the queso, and your brain and heart will thank you later!


- Instead of Chips go for the Veggie Tray

Many people find themselves reaching for the chips not because they like the taste of them, but rather because they craving of crunch or salt. Let’s break that mindset and get some vitamins while craving the crunch!

For Super Bowl, many pair their chips with dips, and an easy switch to still get that crunch with the dip is by using veggies as the base! A major upside to switching to veggies instead of chips is that they usually won’t break in the dip. Win-win situation.

Some of our favorite choices include celery sticks, carrot sticks, cucumber rounds, and zucchini rounds!


- Instead of Fried Chicken Wings go for Oven Baked Chicken Wings

Chicken wings in themselves are not bad, but how they are prepared is where it gets dicey. Once fried and battered, the nutrition shifts from healthy to unhealthy.  

If you are still craving wings for the big game, there are healthy ways around it! Let’s dive in!! The increase in sugar, carbs, fat, and sodium shows up when you add dipping sauces and the hidden calories in the batter. Monitoring how much sauce you intake as well as refraining from deep frying them is key. Regarding the batter, switch from flour-based wet batter to dry seasoning and baking or air-frying them.


Need a recipe to get started? Click here. 

Some of our favorite healthy game day recipes also include:


Now after the Super Bowl, if you are looking to hit your weight loss goals with a focus on nutrition with an addition of a more personalized workout plan? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


It has been almost one month since everyone made their resolutions! In fact, exercising more, eating healthier, and losing weight are the top 3 New Year’s  resolutions overall; however, according to Strava, most people quit on the second Friday of every month. Were you one of those people mentioned in a statistic? There is always time to focus on the foundation that makes or breaks your weightloss journey. One word: Nutrition



Losing weight can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming process, but one factor that plays a large role in weight loss is nutrition. The food we eat provides the fuel our bodies need to function, and the right combination of nutrients can help us reach our weight loss goals. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the importance of nutrition in weight loss and how to create a balanced diet that supports healthy weight management.


Calorie Balance: The Key to Weight Loss

The most basic rule of weight loss is to create a calorie deficit, meaning you consume fewer calories than your body burns. This can be achieved through a combination of reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity. When it comes to reducing calorie intake, the types of foods you eat can have a big impact on how successful you are at losing weight.


High-Protein, High-Fiber Foods

Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss because it helps keep you feeling full for longer periods of time. It also helps build and repair muscle tissue, which is important for a healthy metabolism. High-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, are also important for weight loss because they help slow down digestion and prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to cravings. Aim to include a serving of protein and a serving of fiber at each meal to help keep you feeling satisfied.


Healthy Fats vs. Refined Carbs

In addition to protein and fiber, the types of fats you consume can also affect your weight loss success. Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and olive oil, can help keep you feeling full and provide a source of energy. Refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, such as white bread and sugary drinks, can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and lead to cravings. By choosing healthy fats over refined carbs, you can help manage your hunger and support weight loss.


A Balanced and Varied Diet

Finally, it's important to eat a balanced and varied diet to ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients for good health. This includes vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are important for overall health and can help support weight loss by reducing inflammation and supporting a healthy metabolism. Aim to include a variety of different foods in your diet, including whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, and a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables.


In conclusion, nutrition plays a large role in weight loss and can help you reach your goals by providing the right combination of nutrients to keep you feeling full, reduce cravings, and support a healthy metabolism. By following a balanced and varied diet, you can give your body the fuel it needs to lose weight and achieve good health.

Looking to hit your weight loss goals with a focus on nutrition with an addition of a more personal workout plan? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


Strengthening your body is extremely important! Let’s talk about a smaller muscle that controls the majority of your movement: the hip flexor! 


What is Your Hip Flexor?

Hip flexors help your body move every day! The simple movements of stepping, squatting and sitting are all controlled by your hip flexors. That being said, everytime you are tight while doing any of these simple movements, your hip flexors are the culprit!

They are located at the front of your body. Consisting of two muscles, the Psoas and Iliacus which attach to the lumbar spine, pelvis and femur. Sitting for long periods of time can cause your hip flexors to become tight.


How can you strengthen your hip flexor muscles?

Let’s walk through 2 different movements that will help strengthen your hip flexors:


  1. Supine Hip Flexor Activation

For this exercise, lay on your back with one of your knees bent in at a right angle, the opposite leg straight, and a neutral spine.

  1. Your thigh should be positioned so your hip is just past a 90 degree angle toward your chest.

  2. Begin to contract your deep hip flexors by lightly driving your straight leg towards your chest. This will lift your foot away from the ground.

  3. At the same time, your other leg should be counteracting the motion by straightening and pressing down hard into the ground while keeping your back straight.

  4. Hold for 3 seconds and then release to the starting position.

  5. Perform 5-10 repetitions for 1-3 sets per leg or until fatigued.

Need a little help executing this movement? Watch this video.


2. Psoas March

For this exercise, lay on your back with your knees bent in at a right

angle and a neutral spine.

  1. Wrap a tension band around your feet, keeping tension throughout the exercise.

  2. Extend one leg and slowly bring the leg back,then repeat on the other side.

  3. Complete 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. 

Need a little help executing this movement? Watch this video.


Why is it important to strengthen your hip flexor muscles?

Now that you know what hip flexors are and ways to strengthen them, let's talk about what it is important to strengthen them! 

One of the main reasons it is important to strengthen your hip flexors is to alleviate tight and weak hip flexors which can cause lower back pain, hip pain, and even injury! This helps cut down on hip replacements and hip arthroscopy which is a procedure used to diagnose joint issues. 

Just by working a few minutes a day on your hip flexors, it will help diminish the possibility of getting hurt while doing simple movements such as lifting, pushing and pulling and potentially having to have a surgery!


Wanting to strengthen your hip flexors and so much more? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


Did you know that low back pain costs Americans at least $50 billion in health care costs each year1? Moreover, if you include lost wages and decreased productivity that number jumpers to more than $100 billion2? 

You do not need to be a part of one of those statistics. Lower back pain is not something that has to be a part of your life and it is avoidable!


What is your Lower Back?

The lower back, also called the lumbar spine, is the region of your spinal column that consists of five bones, L1-L5. These vertebrae are larger, thicker and more block-like as they provide stability for your back and spinal column. In fact, it is the center of your body’s balance and supports most of your body’s weight. 

The three main causes of lower back pain are arthritis of the spine, strains and bulging or ruptured discs. Lower back pain is very common; however, that does not diminish the pain that you feel. Additionally, if you are in pain, please seek out medical treatment.


How can you strengthen your lower back?

There are many different movements that you can do to strengthen your lower back. Here are a couple of ways we like to strengthen the lower back easily without equipment:


1. Supermans

This movement helps your back extensors which run along your spine, helping you maintain an upright position, support your spine and pelvic bones.

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended out in front of you and your legs long.

  2. Lift your hands and feet off the ground approximately 6 inches, or until you feel a contraction in your lower back.

  3. Engage your core muscles by slightly lifting your belly button off the floor. Reach away with your hands and feet, Be sure you look at the floor during this exercise to avoid neck strain.

  4. Hold for 2 seconds.

  5. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times. 

Having trouble executing this exercise? Watch this video.


2. Drawing-in Maneuver

This movement helps stabilize the spinal joints and helps prevent injury during movement.

  1. Lie on the ground with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.

  2. Relax your hands by your sides. 

  3. Take a deep inhale. Breathe out and pull your belly button in toward your spine, engaging your abdominal muscles without tilting your hips.

  4. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Having trouble executing this exercise? Watch this video.

Why is it important to strengthen your lower back? 

Strengthening your lower back is imperative when trying to live a healthy lifestyle free of pain. By strengthening your supporting muscles around your spine that interact with the spinal column, it will take the strain off the actual spine and the muscles will do their job. Your body functions best when the bones, tendons and muscles all work together.


Low-back strengthening exercises are a great way to prevent recurring low back pain and having stronger core muscles will decrease your chance of getting injured. 

Doing little changes in your life like adding in simple movements to strengthen your body will allow you to move freely for years to come! 


Wanting to strengthen your lower back and so much more? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


  1. In Project Briefs: Back Pain Patient Outcomes Assessment Team (BOAT). In MEDTEP Update, Vol. 1 Issue 1, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.

  2. Katz JN. Lumbar disc disorders and low-back pain: socioeconomic factors and consequences [review]. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88(suppl 2): 21-24.


Many may see the word glutes and automatically think of the Kardashians, but what about the actual muscle that you can strengthen yourself! The gluteal muscles are the strongest muscles in your body and have many different functions, so let’s dive in!


What are your Glutes?

The gluteal muscles, often called glutes, are a muscle group which is made up of three muscles. These are the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. The bulk and tone of these muscles is attributed to exercise. All three of these muscles help with extension, abduction and internal and external rotation of the hip joint. Additionally, the gluteus maximus supports the extended knee.


How can you strengthen your glutes?

  1. Glute Bridges

    1. Lay on your back with your knees bent and pointing towards the ceiling.

    2. Lift your hips up and squeeze your glutes.

    3. Hold that position for 5 seconds and then reset.

Too easy? Try adding a dumbbell over the hips for added weight or lifting one leg up on one side at a time.

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


  1. Bulgarian Split Squats

    1. Set-up in a lunge where one leg is back and the opposite foot is forward.

    2. Sink down into a lunge position, keeping the forward knee at a 90-degree angle where your ankle lines up with your bent knee.

    3. Repeat with the other side.

 Too easy? Add dumbbells or do the Bulgarian split squat. 

 Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


  1. Glute Kickbacks

    1. Set-up on all fours, with a straight spine, and contract your core muscles.

    2. Extend your right leg back and up until your thigh is parallel to the ground. The sole of your right foot should be facing the ceiling.

    3. Contract your glute at the top of the move and hold for a beat.

    4. Return to your starting position without touching your knee to the ground and repeat.

    5. Do 12 to 20 repetitions, then switch sides.

Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


Why is it important to strengthen your glutes? 

The glutes main job is to keep the body upright and to push your body forward. They are important for proper pelvic alignment, propulsion while walking and running, and even down to standing on one foot. When lifting, your glutes help support your lower back and help prevent knee injuries.

If your glutes are weak, it can cause strain on the hip as well as knees and ankles. All of this can be avoided by simply taking a few minutes everyday and doing easy movements that require no equipment!

Are you wanting to strengthen your glutes and so much more? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.


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When looking into a training regimen, you must be ready not only to commit physically, but also mentally. Training does not end when the cool down ends, nor does it start when you lace up your shoes. It is a 24/7, 7 days a week, 12 months out of the year process. 

Your mind is the only thing keeping you from eating a Big Mac and a large fry. Your mind is the only thing keeping you from hitting your next weightlifting PR. Your mind must be able to withstand the everyday temptations, fight off the constant negative self-talk and prepare your mind for the trials of the day - big or small.

Here are some simply ways to fortify your mind in preparation for the day:

  1. Create a Morning Routine

Start with making your bed. This is the first thing that you can accomplish right off the bat. You feel successful. Your day is structured and you can prioritize your schedule to ensure you are as efficient as possible!

  1. Start with Meditation

Meditation is key when it comes to training your mind. By sitting there in the quiet, we learn how to deal with our inner dialogue, whether it is positive or negative. The key is how you shift your thoughts to become positive and work for you rather than against you. This can be part of your morning routine, so you don’t cheat yourself out of that time. Start small with 5 to 10 minutes and build up as you go. Eventually you will relish this time. If you aren’t sure exactly how to start, there are apps that can help you start meditating and then you can take it from there.

  1. Flex Your Mental Muscles

Just as you train your body, you must also train your mind.  Get those neurons pulsing as you create new pathways by continuing to learn. This can be done through listening to podcasts centered around learning, even if it is a short 10 minute episode. Additionally, focus in on these four topics:

  1. Concentration is allowing your brain to recall things and assist our memory. When your brain is not clear, your concentration falters.

  2. Clarity is when your brain is fully alert and engaged. This also includes memory recall, thinking on your feet and clear judgment.

  3. Equanimity is the even-minded mental state or disposition toward all experiences or objects regardless of how they affect you. Meaning how you feel based on an action. You are in control no matter whether it has a positive, negative, or neutral effect on you.

  4. Compassion for yourself and others helps in training your brain to default to positive reactions in adverse situations. 

One of the benefits of working directly with Body Renovation Fitness Center is that we encourage training your mind. When you sign-up for our classes whether private or in a group, we send out weekly inspirational emails and monthly newsletters regarding health. Both are tools to use when working to train your body.

If you are looking for a personal workout and nutrition plan to help you train not just your body, but your mind, please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.