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Karen Kostal, Visual Arts, visits with guests during the Open House at Alcuin School.

Alcuin School, a leader in Montessori and International Baccalaureate education, hosted a successful turnout at its recent Open House on Sunday, Jan. 11.  During the event, prospetive parents got an opportunity to learn how Alcuin inspires "Passonite Learners and Innovative Thinkers"  to excel. Highlights included remarks from Walter Sorensen, Head of School, campus tours, and classroom visits with faculty.  For more info visit

Alcuin School provides a proven effective, progressive education for its students which begins in the Toddler program and extends into the high school years with the acclaimed IB Programme.

The IB Diploma Programme is an integrated curriculum with study in six subject areas, compared to a single-subject focus of other programs and assessments. Students must use their content knowledge to solve problems, make conjectures and inferences, and think deeply about the big questions of the disciplines.

In recent years, Texas has experienced tremendous growth in IB curriculum within the state.  According to Texas IB Schools (TIBS), Texas has one of the highest concentrations of IB World Schools in the world. TIBS suggests that if Texas were a country, it would be ranked five out of 144 in total IB World Schools, behind the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

Studies show that students who participated in the IB are better prepared for university studies, perform better when they are there, are more likely to graduate (and graduate sooner) than other students. In addition, they are also more likely to enroll in selective institutions.

In addition to hearing more about how IB gives students an academic advantage, guests learned how Montessori education serves as an excellent transition to the IB curriculum.  Although there are more than 1,119,000 IB students enrolled at 3,747 schools in 146 countries, fewer than 10 schools combine the advantages of Montessori and IB in the way the programs are implemented at Alcuin.  

About Alcuin School

A vibrant, nurturing, coeducational academic community serving students from toddler to 12th grade, Alcuin School uses the Montessori and International Baccalaureate program methods to foster critical thinking and a lifelong passion for learning. With faculty support, students at Alcuin School are eager to embrace change, question the status quo, and prepare for their future as leaders in a global society. For more information, please visit

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