Becky Meyerson
Keep the Kids Learning Throughout the Holiday Break With Fun, Hands-On Activities
With the holidays rapidly approaching, the kids will be out of school for a few weeks and will likely be full of excitement and energy. Though they’re on a...
Top Five Activities to Survive the Summer with Young Children
Summer is a challenging time for parents and their young children. Children no longer have the structure of the weekly pre-school day, which can leave them...
Summer Camp for the Park Cities
St. Christopher’s Montessori School invites Park Cities children to enjoy a summer of discovery and fun as we explore the exciting wonders of the jungle, sea...
Why Montessori Preschool Naturally Motivates Your Child to Learn
Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development....
The Preschool Experience Shapes Future Learning
The preschool years set your child’s foundation for learning and development. As a parent you want your child to love learning as they develop the fundamentals...
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