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Dear fellow citizens, friends and neighbors,
The re-zoning debate for the old Chase Bank property is still ongoing!
As you know, this piece of property is in the heart of our neighborhood.  Properly redeveloped, it could become an award-winning crown jewel of urban renewal.  (Really!) The imminent prospect of ridding ourselves of the old eyesore Chase building, and gaining a marvelous new piece of architecture with landscape design that fits our community's needs is truly exciting.  (Hooray!)  Properly executed, the new development even has the potential to serve as an inspiring template for other urban-suburban communities like ours across the country.  (Truly!)  
While the current proposal has some great elements -- underground parking, curved glass structure, addition of trees and landscaping -- it also has highly problematic elements  -- starkly excessive height, excessive square footage, ingress/egress/traffic/pedestrian-safety problems, unattractive above-ground parking deck, insufficient green space/ plaza area -- that urgently require modification.  We can get there -- but we need to work together!
Whether we find ourselves rejoicing at an architectural marvel or grumbling about a behemoth building or intractable traffic-jam for decades to come is up to ALL OF US!
PLEASE get informed and get involved! 
To that end, I forward a brief update:
City Council Meeting:
At the City Council meeting Sept 6th, the decision was made to extend the public hearing through the next City Council meeting on Sept 20th. Primary reason for this extension is that the city requested peer review of the traffic study was not completed in time for this week's meeting. UP Residents Committed to Neighborhood Friendly Development is also conducting an independent traffic study.
UP Residents Committed to Neighborhood Friendly Development is collecting information on anyone who is interested in speaking about the situation at the Council meeting, so please reply to this message if you would like to speak.
All, please plan to attend: Sept 20th, 5 pm, City Hall.
Given the decision to keep the public hearing open through Sept 20th, we will keep the petition open as well (through Sept 19th); link is below.
This is our second petition and very specifically states the the current zoning/re-zoning that the developer is requesting, and a resident compromise position which we think is reasonable, fair to all, and maintains safety for the community.
We hope you will read the petition and consider signing it with your comments.  Comments will be delivered to the City Council prior to the meeting on the 20th, so the City can be fully informed as to the residents' position.
Please forward this letter to anyone you think will take an interest and thanks for your support of this critical community issue.
Alex Wagner and UP Residents Committed to Neighborhood Friendly Development
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