Francie Johnsen
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Let's celebrate the Best of Times at this All Highland Park Alumni classes (plus guests) REUNION at our Wednesday October 10th 5-8 pm Happy Hour at Barley House 5612 SMU Blvd!
See your classmates plus all other grades!
Bring all your friends who went to HPHS who you work, volunteer, church, exercise with! Great excuse to hang out and get to know each other better!
This is a great opportunity to let us remember our dear friends who have passed away. Post photos of the friends you are wanting to celebrate.
Thank you CARTER MALOUF, Class of 84, for generously underwriting our event for many free beverages(while they last)!
(Be sure to share invitation with your friends) Specials are $3 domestic drafts, $3 wells, and $5 premium wines.
Also 1/2 price wings!
Free parking in Post Office lot!
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