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Fans cheer on the Texas Super Kings at MLC Stadium on July 13, 2023, in Grand Prairie.A few miles west of where Houston’s highway sprawl fades from a parade of superstores into the steamy low countryside, a slight rise in U.S. 290 reveals a surprise: six perfect circles of close-cropped grass clustered on the prairie like petals on an enormous flower. Here, spread across 86 acres and just an hour’s drive from the heart of the city, the nation’s largest and most advanced collection of cricket grounds attracts hundreds of athletes every week from around the Houston area—and often from around the country. This is the Prairie View Cricket Complex, and on a recent Sunday, as the national junior cricket championships unfolded before him, the Texan who envisioned this place and paid to build it took a seat on the metal bleachers…

The post Move to Texas, Get Rich . . . Invest in Major League Cricket? appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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