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Why it's not actually possible to eliminate property taxes, as Abbott promisesImagine a Texas without property taxes. Every October, you, a Texas homeowner, await your annual property tax bill, not with trepidation, but with joy. Behold, there before you is what you must render unto Caesar. Zero dollars and zero cents. And yet there is, miraculously, still money for schools, for roads, for prisons. “Thanks, Greg Abbott,” you sigh softly. “Hail Caesar!”Does this seem like a fantasy? If it is an idle daydream, it is one with surprising currency at the Capitol these days. What used to be a fringe libertarian concept—abolish property taxes and stop “renting from the government”—is now discussed by many top politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, as a matter of when, not if. Foremost among the abolitionists is Governor Greg Abbott. Recently Abbott…

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