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Deputy editor Ross McCammon, executive editor Kathy Blackwell, creative director Emily Kimbro and executive editor Jeff Salamon review proofs of the October issue on August 28, 2023.One of my favorite mentors once observed that the design of a magazine is like its clothing; a publication needs a new and better-fitting wardrobe every so often, especially if it’s been working hard to get into better shape. Almost six years have passed since Texas Monthly last refreshed its design, so we’re proud to highlight some adjustments we’ve been working on for months.The most significant change is that we’ve sequenced the magazine’s stories in the manner of a fine meal, with tasty appetizers followed by a variety of main courses and then a sampling of desserts. Our goal is for Texas Monthly to flow more smoothly and to delight readers from the first page to the last (which will continue to be anchored by…

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