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Tallyho to Tally the Texas Sea Turtle, Whose 4,000-Mile Journey Has a Happy EndingWHO: Tally, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle; a Welsh Good Samaritan; and a host of government, university, and nonprofit organizations. WHAT: The end of a saga that took one of the world’s rarest sea turtles from her home in the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the coast of Wales—and back. WHY IT’S SO GREAT: Generally, if an animal gets swept up in a strong Gulf current and deposited somewhere many thousands of miles from home, it’s not a story that has a happy ending. And when the animal in question is among the most endangered species in the world, the stakes are heightened—but it’s all good news in the two-year, four-thousand-mile odyssey of Tally. Tally was found back in November 2021 on the shore of North…

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