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Weed-Explainer-Texas-Cannabis-cannabinoids-THCAcross the state, on storefronts and in bodegas and convenience stores, Texans are increasingly spotting products—vape juice, gummies, and even beverages—purporting to contain THC. These are not to be confused with the also-proliferating number of edibles and drinks containing CBD—the quaint cannabinoid meant to engender feelings of relaxation. These THC product labels tout true, mind-altering effects. The robust selection can leave the average Texas shopper to ask: Did grass suddenly become legal in this state, leaving a great big chunk of us unaware? No, “marijuana,” as defined by recent legislation, is illegal for recreational use in the state of Texas, even though medical use was legalized in 2015.  Still, Texans are consuming legal cannabinoid products, including THC, and getting kinda high in the process. In fact, cannabis…

The post Weed Is Illegal in Texas. So Why Are THC Products Everywhere? appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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