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Loreal Sarkisian’s Five Go-To Fashion StaplesThe last two falls, thousands of Longhorns football fans have marveled at Loreal Sarkisian’s chic game-day looks. Loreal, who is married to University of Texas’s head football coach, Steve Sarkisian, has turned the turf into a runway since moving to Austin from Tuscaloosa in 2021. But the professional wardrobe stylist’s vibrant fashion sense predated her role as the “First Lady of Texas Football”: “[My mother] was a strong believer that you wore what looked good on you, what enhanced you, not necessarily what was trendy or popular. I live by that to this day,” she says. Sarkisian shares her philosophy with her diverse styling clients, which include CEOs, entrepreneurs, and musicians of all genders.As she’s become more entrenched in the world of burnt orange, a…

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