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Key Takeaways from the Ken Paxton Investigating Committee HearingKen Paxton has been under indictment for most of his tenure as Texas attorney general. This hasn’t stopped voters from reelecting him—twice—to serve as the state’s top law enforcement official. That’s not purely a matter of Texas voters favoring Republicans over Democrats, either. In 2020, near the midpoint of his second term, seven of Paxton’s top aides sent a whistleblower letter accusing the attorney general of corruption, including abuse of office, bribery, and improper influence, relating to Austin real estate developer Nate Paul. Then, in 2022, Paxton faced not one but three well-funded primary challengers; he came within 8 points of escaping that primary without so much as facing a runoff, and in the second round, he trounced his opponent (George P. Bush, the last…

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