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Nanci Griffith's "Spin on a Red Brick Floor" RevisitedTexan songwriters often address the linguistic alienation native Texans can experience upon leaving home. Countless Lyle Lovett songs play off the trope of the awkward country boy overwhelmed by the big city. On the epochal “London Homesick Blues,” Gary P. Nunn is taunted by unfriendly Englishmen who tell him, “You’re from down South / And when you open your mouth / You always seem to put your foot there.” But it was Nanci Griffith who spoke most directly to how I sometimes feel, tripping over my words like a third left foot as a county girl up north: “How I miss my native tongue / ’Cause New York City sorta brings out the stupids in me,” as she put it on “Spin on a Red…

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