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A Texas Marathoner With Down Syndrome Logs Another Historic RunWHO: Kayleigh Williamson, 33, an endurance athlete from Austin.WHAT: An emotional finish at the New York City Marathon.WHY IT’S SO GREAT: Marathon running just might be the most egalitarian, unifying sport in America. Professionals and amateurs follow the same course and compete in the same event, and the only gear you really need is a decent pair of sneakers. Parents push toddlers in strollers; runners in their eighties zip ahead of twentysomethings. It’s not uncommon to see athletes who are blind or use wheelchairs or are amputees. On any given race day, a veteran in full military uniform might jog alongside a group of siblings chugging along in memory of their late parents, or a guy sweating in one of those oversized, inflatable dinosaur costumes.…

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